19-24 June 2022
National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center, Hsinchu, Taiwan
Asia/Taipei timezone
XRM2022 proceedings is now published!!

Call for abstracts

Call for abstracts is ended now.

To secure your presentation slot, you must register and pay before May 20, 2022. You also must upload your poster before May 31. If you would like to compete for the Poster Award, you must upload a 2-min flash talk video and notify Dr. Michael Feser (michael@feser.org) about your intention. 2-min flash talk video is mandatory for poster award and optional for the others. For uploading posters and videos, please go the Presenters Form webpage in the registration website 


Submission Categories:

1. Source

2. Optics for X-ray Imaging

3. Technique/Methodology/Instrument

4. Scientific Application

5. Non-SR Microscopy/Emerging XRM

    Each registrant is allowed to submit a maximum of 2 one page long abstracts. However, each registrant will ONLY have ONE talk at most if chosen. Your abstract will automatically be considered for a poster presentation if not selected for a contributed talk. Please use the template file to prepare your abstract if you are using Microsoft Word. Otherwise, use that document as an instruction. Please visit the webpage of "The Poster Award" if you are interested to join the competition.


 Online Submission 



Thanks to our sponsors and exhibitors