19-24 June 2022
National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center, Hsinchu, Taiwan
Asia/Taipei timezone
XRM2022 proceedings is now published!!

Conference proceedings


  • XRM2022 proceeding is published, please check here to access your volume.

The proceedings for XRM2022 will be published online in a single volume of American Institute of Physics (AIP) Conference Proceedings with perpetual access, and it is scheduled to be published in April 2023. All submitted manuscripts will be peer-reviewed.

Submission Categories:

1. Source

2. Optics for X-ray Imaging

3. Technique/Methodology/Instrument

4. Scientific Application

5. Non-SR Microscopy/Emerging XRM

Registration of the presenter at XRM2022 is required to have the paper published in the proceedings. Each standard registration fee covers ONE manuscript publication. The presenter must be the one who submits the manuscript.

Please follow the instructions below for preparing your submission:

  1. Manuscripts will be accepted only in PDF format generated with either MS Word or LaTex template.
  2. Guidelines for preparing references can be found here.
  3. Number of pages: ≥ 3 pages.
  4. A complete submission should include a manuscript in PDF format and an electronic copy of signed AIP Conference Proceedings License Agreement.
  5. Check your submission by the article preparation checklist and license agreement preparation checklist.
  6. Make sure that all fonts are embedded into your article PDF (see the Font embedding instruction). 
    [Tip: Export PDF from MSWord and make sure the paper size is in US Letter and all margins are 1-inch, then print to PDF again by Acrobat Reader (please pay attention to the print size again as an US Letter) to embed all fonts.]

For more detailed information, please go to the official website of AIP Conference Proceedings

Download package (zip): 

  1. ​Template (MS Word)
  2. Template (LaTex)
  3. Guidelines for preparing references
  4. License Agreement for XRM2022 (title of conference and names of editors are included)
  5. Article preparation checklist / License Agreement preparation checklist
  6. Font embedding instruction

For submission, please click the following link and log in with the email address registered on the XRM2022.

The submission deadline will be on July 31, 2022 September 15, 2022.




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