17-19 April 2024
Asia/Taipei timezone

Plasma-based acceleration studies in IHEP

17 Apr 2024, 11:00
A300 (Research Building)


Research Building

WG4: Innovative accelerator techniques WG4


Dazhang LI (IHEP, CAS)


During the last few years, IHEP plasma-based acceleration study group dedicated its time on both laser wakefield acceleration (LWFA) and plasma wakefield acceleration (PWFA).
In LWFA, we mainly focused on injection mechanism studies to improve the beam quality. Different injection schemes such as scissors-cross ionization injection, coaxial laser interference induced injection, tightly focused laser injection will be introduced in this presentation.
In PWFA, we mainly studied on plasma injector for circular electron positron collider (CEPC). Low-field dipole magnet problem in the booster ring of is one of the most important problems in CEPC that need to be addressed. One prospective method is to add a few tens meter long plasma accelerator, named “CEPC plasma injector” (CPI), to increase the electron/positron energy from 10 GeV to 30 GeV, and then inject them to the booster ring. We started CPI studies since 2017 and made a great progress in the recent years. In this talk, I’ll show the simulation studies on hosing instability for high transformer ratio (HTR) PWFA, high quality positron acceleration in PWFA, electron RF guns and linac, etc.
At last, I’ll introduce 2 PWFA test facility proposals in IHEP and their recent progress.

Primary author

Dazhang LI (IHEP, CAS)

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