17-19 April 2024
Asia/Taipei timezone

Present status of an infrared free-electron laser facility at Chiang Mai University

17 Apr 2024, 14:50
A119 (Research Building)


Research Building

WG1: Accelerator and its related technologies for photon science WG1


Dr Sakhorn Rimjaem (Chiang Mai University)


A project to develop a linac-based MIR/THz free-electron laser (FEL) light source and experimental stations for spectroscopic and ultrafast interaction applications is underway at Chiang Mai University in Thailand. The accelerator system serving as the electron beam injector is an existing system, albeit with modifications to accommodate two newly developed beamlines for MIR/THz FEL. Engineering design and construction of new components in magnetic bunch compressors and FEL beamlines, have been conducted based on physics design and beam dynamic simulations. Currently, nearly all components have been installed in the accelerator hall, and the commissioning of the system is in progress. This contribution provides an overview of the project, a report and a discussion of the design and beam dynamic simulations for both the oscillator MIR FEL and the super-radiant THz FEL as well as the development of components. Furthermore, the current status of the facility will also be presented.

Primary author

Dr Sakhorn Rimjaem (Chiang Mai University)

Presentation Materials