17-19 April 2024
Asia/Taipei timezone

Construction of an electromagnetic calorimeter prototype using LYSO crystals for the ZDC at ePIC

18 Apr 2024, 14:30
A300 ( Research Building)


Research Building

WG2: Detector technology development WG2


Dr Kai-Yu Cheng (Academia Sinica)


The Electron-Ion collider (EIC) is designed to collide spin-polarized beams of electrons and ions to study with precision the dynamics of gluons and sea quarks and their role in the structure of visible matter. The ePIC is a general-purpose large-acceptance detector and will be the first experiment operated at the EIC. For studies aiming at the three-dimensional structure of nucleons and nuclei and gluon density saturation. It requires the identification of far-angle photons and tagging spectator neutrons. Zero Degree Calorimeter (ZDC) is proposed to achieve reasonable energy resolution for neutrons(~beam energy) and photons(0.1 to 40 GeV), respectively. The position resolution is also asked to be better than 3mrad/sqrt(E) for neutrons and 1mm for photons. We developed the first electromagnetic calorimeter prototype using 64 LYSO crystals, each size 7.12mm x 7.12mm x 88mm, and SiPMs for the ZDC. The calibration was done with Co60 and Na22 radiation sources. This February, a beam test was performed in ELPH in Japan with 50MeV to 823MeV positron beam. The results from the calibration and test beam will be shown in this presentation.

Primary authors

Dr Kai-Yu Cheng (Academia Sinica) Chia-Ming Kuo (National Central University) Chia-Yu Hsieh (Academia Sinica)


Yu-Siang Xiao (National Central University) Po-Ju Lin (National Central University)

Presentation Materials