17-19 April 2024
Asia/Taipei timezone

Mitigating Thermoacoustic Phenomena in Cryogenic Helium Distribution System

18 Apr 2024, 17:00
L100 ( Research Building)


Research Building

WG7: Cryogenics, cryomodule and superconducting technology for accelerators WG7


Mr Hsing-Chieh Li (NSRRC)


In the operation of the cryogenic helium distribution system for TPS superconducting radio frequency (SRF) cavities, thermal acoustic oscillations (TAOs) frequently arise, causing pressure fluctuations in the cold helium gas processing lines, reaching up to 65 mbar. These TAOs introduce an additional heat load, impacting the operational stability of the SRF cavities. To address this issue, three gas buffers were affixed to the exhaust pipelines of the helium gas processing lines. The isolation valve of the gas buffers was maintained at a halfway position to mitigate pulsations in the flow. Remarkably, these buffers effectively quelled the TAO phenomena without necessitating modifications to the exhaust pipelines. Consequently, pressure fluctuations were substantially diminished, not exceeding 7 mbar, thereby meeting the operational requirements for the SRF cavities. This paper presents and deliberates on the implemented solution for mitigating thermoacoustic phenomena within the cryogenic distribution system.

Primary author

Mr Hsing-Chieh Li (NSRRC)


Huang-Hsiu Tsai (NSRRC) Prof. C.C. Cheng (NTUT) Feng-Zone Hsiao Ping-Shun Chuang (National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center) Wun-Rong Liao (NSRRC) W.S. Chiou (nsrrc) S.H. Chang (NSRRC) T.F. Lin (NSRRC)

Presentation Materials