17-19 April 2024
Asia/Taipei timezone

Design and beam dynamics study of a multi-functional MEBT for CSNS

18 Apr 2024, 17:00
A119 ( Research Building)


Research Building

WG5: Accelerator and its related technologies for hadron (neutron) science WG5


Dr Qiyu Kong


The CSNS is an accelerator-based multidisciplinary user facility operates at a stable beam power of 140 kW since October 2022, which is 40% higher compared to the designed value. The upgrading project of CSNS (CSNS-II) is in progress, and the missions associated with linac include increasing the output energy to 300 MeV by employing superconducting accelerator and the peak current to 50 mA. A multi-functional MEBT has been studied and redesigned to meet the stringent demand of beam control under strong space charge effects. The MEBT can be characterized by the following main functions and features: (1) beam chopping for time structure optimization; (2) collimator for beam halo particle confinement and removal; (3) phase shift optimization and rigorous control of entire length to achieve low emittance growth transmission within the MEBT. The beam performance and error studies together with the main linac have been conducted and shown in this article. Numerous multi-particle simulations have shown that the multi-functional MEBT can prevent unacceptable beam loss in the main linac.

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