17-19 April 2024
Asia/Taipei timezone

Single-shot spatial-temporal electro-optic diagnostic of laser wakefield accelerated electron bunches

17 Apr 2024, 14:50
A300 (Research Building)


Research Building

WG4: Innovative accelerator techniques WG4


Kai Huang (National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology (QST))


By introducing the electron-optic Sampling technique in to the research of laser Wakefield acceleration, we have conducted single-shot spatial-temporal detection on the electron bunches.In our recent experiments, we have measured the electron timing fluctuation at a position outside the plasma. By simultaneously performing optical transition radiation imaging and EO spatial decoding, the absolute 3D density profile of the an electron bunch has been reconstructed. For data analysis, detailed numerical studies were carried out. This study could have broad impact in researches of high power, accelerators and THz optics.

Primary author

Kai Huang (National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology (QST))

Presentation Materials