17-19 April 2024
Asia/Taipei timezone

Development of silicon radiation detectors for therapeutic and space applications

17 Apr 2024, 11:40
L100 ( Research Building)


Research Building

WG3: Accelerator technologies for industrial & medical applications WG3


Prof. Anatoly Rosenfeld (CMRP, School of Physics, University of Wollongong, Australia)


Centre for Medical Radiation Physics at University of Wollongong has long history of development of the silicon radiation detectors for dosimetry in X-ray and particle radiation therapy. Overview of the developed pixelated Si detectors and their applications for high spatial and temporal resolution dosimetry on medical linac and on proton and heavy ion therapy will be presented.

Progress in development of SOI detectors for microdosimetry and their application for RBE study of the proton and heavy ions therapeutic beams in clinical setting will be demonstrated.

Another application of SOI microdosimeter is for evaluation of radiation shielding and radiation protection of astronauts in radiation environment typical for SPE and GCR. We demonstrated that SOI microdosimeters are suitable for in situ evaluation of radiation shielding efficiency of multi-layered space craft and astronaut shelter walls in radiation fields on accelerators mimicking SPE and GCR. Comparison of SOI microdosimeters with Timepix detector for biologically relevant dosimetry for astronauts radiation protection in GCR environment will be presented.

SOI microdosimeters have found application for wide range LET verification of ions on accelerators for Single Even Effect (SEE) studies in microelectronics including at CERN for high LET ions like 1GeV/u Pb. Development of Si sensors for displacement damage monitoring of space electronics will be discussed.

Primary author

Prof. Anatoly Rosenfeld (CMRP, School of Physics, University of Wollongong, Australia)

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