According to the data and analysis of the Cancer Registry Annual Report in Taiwan, it can be seen from the trends in the past 10 years in 2020 that the growth in the incidence of major cancers is approximately 3.32% in the number of patients per year. The first new case of aggressive cancer finding in Taiwan is 116,131 and there are 30,796 patients received radiation therapy during the first course of treatment in 2018. It means around 28% of new case of aggressive cancer finding will receive radiotherapy.
The trends in emerging accelerator based radiation therapy in Taiwan has ranged from 3D CRT in 1996 to IMRT in 2001 and even the vigorous development of particle therapy since 2015. Not only the development of particle therapy, but the application of images guidance during treatment will become increasingly widespread and in-depth, creating a need for clinical application of offline and online adaptive radiotherapy.
There are four particle therapy center in operation including three proton center and one heavy ion center in Taiwan. We are expect having eight particle center and seventeen treatment rooms in operation by the end of 2025.