Linac-based coherent THz radiation sources are being developed with the NSRRC high brightness photoinjector which has been installed in the Accelerator Test Area (ATA). The injector is equipped with a laser-driven photocathode rf gun and a 5.2-m long S-band traveling-wave linac for beam acceleration. A 25 MeV beam of bunch length as short as 240 fs has been produced from this injector by the so-called velocity bunching technique. Narrow-band superradiant THz radiation of pulse energy as high as 20 μJ and tunable central frequency from 0.6 to 1.4 THz can be generated by injecting such ultrashort beam into a U100 planar undulator. The intense THz light source will be a useful tool for applications such as material science and biomedical imaging. A THz user beamline is under designed and construction and expected to open for users by the end of 2025.