17-19 April 2024
Asia/Taipei timezone

Overview of Korea 4GSR project

17 Apr 2024, 14:30
A119 (Research Building)


Research Building

WG1: Accelerator and its related technologies for photon science WG1


Dr Sung-Ju Park (Pohang Accelerator Laboratory)


A 4th Generation Light Source is being built in Ochang, Korea (Korea-4GSR project). It can produce synchrotron light that is 100 to 1000 times brighter than that of the 3rd generation source like PLS-II in the Pohang Accelerator Laboratory (PAL). The Korea-4GSR is designed to have a circumference of 800 meters to implement a Diffraction-Limited storage ring. This size is three times that of PLS-II, requiring significantly smaller magnet and vacuum chamber apertures for stronger focusing, and the size of the electron beam also reduces by more than tenfold, making the physical/engineering design of the accelerator and the control and stability of the electron/photon beams very challenging. Fully utilizing PAL's experiences gained during the construction and operation of the PLS-II and the PAL-XFEL (a 10-GeV X-ray Free Electron Laser), we have completed the physics design of Korea-4GSR, and the engineering design is now in its final stages, bringing the successful construction of Korea-4GSR closer. Furthermore, through active exchanges with overseas accelerator laboratories, we are trying to strengthen human networks and secure the latest design, testing, and manufacturing techniques.

Primary author

Dr Sung-Ju Park (Pohang Accelerator Laboratory)

Presentation Materials