17-19 April 2024
Asia/Taipei timezone

Numerical Study of Polarized X-ray Generation by Tilted Shock-Front Injection

17 Apr 2024, 14:10
A300 (Research Building)


Research Building

WG4: Innovative accelerator techniques WG4


SUNG-WEI HUANG (National Central University)


Recently, there has been considerable attention on high-polarization table-top hard X-ray sources, which facilitate easy deployment in clinics and university laboratories, providing convenient access to results regarding material microstructures or properties. Betatron radiation, one of the X-ray sources that has femtosecond range duration, μm spot size, and compact equipment, is considered an alternative to large synchrotron facilities. The experimental condition based on the NCU 100TW laser to generate high brightness and polarized X-ray is examined numerically in this study. The electron injection mechanism under tilt shock front was studied in transverse and longitudinal wavebreaking, as well as the polarization behavior of X-ray photons. It was found that under the transverse wavebreaking injection mode, the degree of polarization increased from 20% to 68%. This suggests that in experiments, we can easily increase the polarization of X-ray sources by controlling the angle of the shock front.

Primary author

SUNG-WEI HUANG (National Central University)


MING-WEI LIN (National Tsing Hua University) SHIH-HUNG CHEN (National Central University) SHAO-WEI CHOU (National Central University)

Presentation Materials