16-19 October 2018
Asia/Taipei timezone

Oral Presentations

Contributed oral presentations are 12 minutes long + 3 minutes for audience questions.

All presenters have to upload on SPMS database an electronic copy of their presentation in Microsoft Power Point 2016 or PDF format at latest one day prior to the scheduled session using the following link: Click here

ps. The aspect ratio of projector for oral presentations is 4:3.

Presentations are viewed using a computer managed by PCaPAC conference. No personal computer can be used. Macintosh computers are not available. Authors using Macintosh must ensure that their presentations operate correctly using Microsoft Office 2016 or Adobe Acrobat in the MS-Windows environment.

A wise guideline for the number of slides in your presentation is 1.0 to 1.5 minute per slide. This means the expected number of slides in the oral presentation should be 15 to 20 for orals of 15 minutes, depending on the density of information per slide.

Keep in mind that you will be giving your presentation in a relatively large room. So adapt the font size accordingly.

Please arrive at least 10 minutes before the session starts and introduce yourself to the session chair before the start of the session.

PCaPAC contributions are registered with a JACoW ID number. This code corresponds to the time of each contribution through the oral and poster sessions slots and indicates the Day, Type, Location and Sequence Number.


Example: WE C 1

WE: DAY                  B: TYPE                 1: SEQUENTIAL NUMBER




 WE Wednesday    

 C Oral Session


 TH Thursday

 CA Oral Session 1


 FR Friday

 CB Oral Session 2



 CC Oral Session 3










ex. THCB3 is no.3 oral at the contribution oral session 2 on Thursday.

Further recommendations

For PowerPoint files, only TrueType and OpenType fonts can be embedded. 

To embed fonts in PowerPoint 2016:
•    Select File tab.
•    Choose Options.
•    Under PowerPoint Options, choose Save.
•    Check the box for Embed fonts in the file