23 July 2018 to 1 August 2018
國家同步輻射研究中心(National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center)
Asia/Taipei timezone

1. 加速器學校簡介 / Intro.

       OCPA加速器學校是由全球華人物理和天文學會(International Organization of Chinese Physicists and Astronomers, OCPA)主辦的系列暑期學校,目的是吸引和培養更多華人青年學子從事加速器物理和技術的研究,並爲其提供深入接觸和瞭解這一蓬勃發展領域的機會,强化學習加速器物理和技術的興趣,以提高青年學子在加速器領域的總體學術水平。通過加速器學校的學習和交流,學員們將系統地學習加速器物理和技術、掌握其基礎和專業知識,並與授課專家進行一對一的交流,以拓展學員的視野和建立相互學習與交流的聯繫。目前,OCPA加速器學校分爲綜合性和專題性兩類,分別在偶數年份和奇數年份舉辦。二十年來綜合性OCPA加速器學校已成功舉辦9届,分別於1998年在台灣新竹、2000年在安徽太平、2002年在新加坡、2006年在江蘇揚州、2008年在台灣南投、2010年在北京、2012年在甘肅天水、2014年在安徽休寧、2016年在上海松江舉辦,已培養和訓練了一大批青年加速器人才。

        2018年綜合性OCPA加速器學校由國家同步輻射研究中心National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center, NSRRC)承辦,計劃7月23日到8月1日間,在高雄澄清湖畔中華電信訓練所高雄分所(電信學院高雄所)舉行。本次的主題是同步加速器光源,主要內容爲儲存環加速器的物理與相關技術,並包含了直線加速器、自由電子雷射、加速器在醫療與産業應用等方面的相關議題。 



The OCPA Accelerator School is a series of summer school organized by the International Organization of Chinese Physicists and Astronomers (OCPA) with the objective of recruiting and nourishing more young Chinese to participate in the technology and research of accelerator physics. The functions of OCPA Accelerator School have many folds: to provide an opportunity of in depth understanding the fast growing advanced accelerator field; to develop the interest of learning accelerator physics and technology; and to enhance the over all academic performance in accelerator fields and levels of global competition of young individuals. Through the programs and interaction offered by the OCPA Accelerator School, students can learn the accelerator physics and technology systematically and grasp the fundamental knowledge and expertise. One on one, face to face interaction with renowned experts of the field will broaden the global visions of students and establish connections that can sharp the future of students.

Currently, the OCPA Accelerator School has two categories, the general program and the topic specific program, which are organized in even and odd years respectively. The 2018 event is the 10th OCPA Accelerator School in its series. The first School was held in Hsinchu, Taiwan, August 3-12, 1998, the second in Yellow Mountain, Anhui, July 18-27, 2000, the third in Singapore, July 25 to August 3, 2002. The School of 2004 was canceled due to SARS . The fourth School was held in Yangzhou, Jiangsu, July 27-August 5, 2006, the fifth in Nantou, Taiwan, September 1-10, 2008, the sixth in Beijing, July 27-August 5, 2010, the seventh in Tianshui, Gansu, July 29-August 7, 2012, the Eighth in Xiuning, Anhui, July 27-August 6, 2014,and the ninth in Shanghai, July 25-August 4, 2016. The OCPA Accelerator School has nourished and trained many young individuals who now are professions and experts in the field.

The 10th OCPA Accelerator School (OCPA2018) will be held from July 23 to August 1 in Kaohsiung City, Taiwan.  The focus of the 10th OCPA Accelerator School is synchrotron light source. The lectures will cover basic accelerator physics, free electron laser, accelerator based medical and industrial applications and more.